102-E Waxhaw Professional Park Drive, Waxhaw, NC 28173
Call Us Today: 704-256-3548

Hygiene Services

Teeth Cleaning in Waxhaw to Enhance Your Oral Cleanliness

Our Services teeth cleaning waxhaw
Far Reaching Oral Assessment
We will address your dental concerns and give a customized treatment intend to enhance your oral cleanliness and dental well being.
NC Teeth Cleaning and Periodontal Assessment
These administrations incorporate scaling, root arranging, and debridement, alongside a far reaching exam of your gums.
Stain Removal/Polishing
This administration disposes of stains caused by tobacco, espresso, red wine, and other sustenance and beverages.
Extra-oral Exam
This is an outer growth screening exam of the head and neck.
Intra-oral Exam
This is an inside screening of the oral depression for variations from the norm, for example, growth.
This system, which is usually done on the molars of youngsters ages 6 to 12 years of age, seals pits and depressions on teeth to anticipate cavities.
Our Services for Teeth Cleaning in Waxhaw Include:
✔ Desensitizing
✔ Custom mouth washes
✔ Whitening – In house or take home
✔ Necessary referrals
✔ Cancer screening